Attention Device Designers, R & D Engineers and Innovators
We know you are passionate about the life-saving devices you design and the ideas you incubate and help bring to fruition.
Partner with Compounding Solutions, a specialized, custom medical plastics compounder from the early stages of your design project to:
- Ensure a secure material source
- Help choose materials that will pass biocomp & be easily processible
- Take your specific requirements & tailor a custom medical solution
Traditional model:
Our partnership model:
Partnering with Compounding Solutions, a specialty medical compounder, from the early stages of device design provides:
- Access to the latest developments in polymer materials
- A full array of in-house testing and reverse engineering capabilities
- Formulation development for both extrusion and injection molding projects
- Assistance in color selection to ensure regulatory requirements are met
- Reduced lead time from concept to prototype to commercialization
- Gain full control over the material specification
- Formulation transparency
- Continuity via a single material source for your extruded & molded components